On these pages you will find the contact details for the developers, land over, land management company and other important estate contacts
Maps of the land parcels developed
There is currently one active play area in Waverley. It is managed by the Land Trust. Central Park near Derwent Chase has equipment suitable for toddlers and older children. The play area off Stephenson Way will be reinstated when the housing development has been completed in the Olive Lane area. Most play areas have benches and rubbish bins.
Harworth are working to deliver a 1.5km long park, called Highwall Park which will run from the AMRC area, behind the school, into the existing Bike Track and then down to the Lakes. It will be delivered in three phases over the next couple of years
This page contains information on grants.
A quick reference guide to essential services.
This pages shows photographs around Waverley.
This page contains information on the two defibrillators in the community.
Information about the wildlife around the Lakes