5th October 2024

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Summary from the bi-monthly meeting with Harworth and the Land Trust

Summary from the bi-monthly meeting with Harworth and the Land Trust

The WCC meets with Harworth and the Land Trust bi-monthly, and we endeavour to share a synopsis of the discussion with residents. Below is the summary of the latest meeting: -

Meeting with WCC, Harworth & the Land Trust

Active travel Co-ordinator - A follow-up reminder has been sent to all resident to encourage more responses to the survey.

The 1dayaweek campaign will commence across the residential site at the end of September. All residents will receive a promotional flyer and a prize draw will take place each month to encourage residents to make trips by modes of travel other than driving alone.

The school travel pack will be delivered to school at the end of September and will also be disseminated at future pop-up events. Further pop-up events will be delivered every 2-3 weeks.

The AMP businesses are also being targeted to change travel behaviours. The1dayaweek will be rolled out early October to all businesses with associated pop-up events, and travel packs will be sent to all employees in early October.

Olive Lane update - Harworth confirmed that Tesco's is currently the only tenant, aside from the WCC, that has signed the Heads of terms of a lease. Currently Harworth anticipates handing over the keys to all tenants in mid-December, for the shell-like units, to then be fitted out internally.

There will be more information about the development in the next edition of the WAVE magazine and their 'wearewaverley', website will also be updated then.

Parks - Highwall Park groundworks have been completed, and the footpaths are being added. The next stage is the build of the main play areas and the lawns.

Harworth are aware that Central Park is experiencing more wear & tear as the only play park in Waverley. Their plan is wait until Highwall Park is open, before works commence on Central Park.

Lescar Road - Harworth is still in negotiations with RMBC regarding the adoption process for Lescar Road.

Marriott Hotel – no update

Forest school day – Harworth intends to continue with the October session of the free Forest School, but possibly on a different date.

Land Trust - The bench in Central Park, which faces the new Barratts homes will be turned 180 degrees to face the play equipment before Christmas. Nuture will be replenishing the grit in the grits bins across Waverley, which have been installed by various developers, before Christmas

Posted: Fri, 4 Oct 2024

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